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  Judging Teams

Career Development Events



Career Development Events (A.K.A. Judging Teams) provide members with an opportunity to take what they have learned in the classroom and apply it in a competitive environment. The Santa Maria FFA Chapter has over 10 Judging Teams that compete throughout the year.


Advisor: Mrs. Rodriguez






Vegetable Crops

Advisor: Mrs. Powell

You don’t have to like vegetables to judge them.  Judging and placing classes of vegetables and giving oral reasons.  Identification of eatable vegetables, seeds, market defects, diseases, garden weed, and common pests are also a part of this contest.





Advisor: Mr. Ayon

Evaluation of beef, sheep, goats, and swine classes based on the USDA standards.  Students build confidence and Critical thinking skills through oral reasons.






Ag Mechanics

Advisor: Mr. Guerra

It’s a “Monster Garage” as you develop your skills in all areas of Ag Mechanics including electricity, woodworking, welding, electric motors, tool identification and use/ general knowledge of construction, repair and maintenance.  It’s competitive, challenging, and fun.


Advisor: Mrs. Rodriguez


Light Horse

Advisor: Ms. Sherry

Evaluation of Horse classes based on the performance and quality of the horse breed. Students build confidence and Critical thinking skills through oral reasons.





Milk Quality and Dairy Foods

Advisor: Mr. Powell

 Evaluation and identification of Milk Products such as artificial butter vs. real butter, cheeses, and milk tasting are vital parts of the contest.








Advisor: Mrs. Flory-Guerra

Agronomy consists of judging and placing classes of hay, seeds and giving oral reasons.  Identification of seeds, market defects, diseases, weeds, and common pests are also a part of this contest.







Advisor: Mr. Soto

Evaluation and identification of meat birds as well as reasons is the basis behind this competition. Students learn both sides of the poultry industry egg production and market during this contest. The ability to strengthen your public speaking skills and desicion making are key to this contest





Farm Power

Advisor: Mr. Guerra

If you are mechanically inclined join up and let’s turn on the power.  This contest offers heavy equipment operation, Identification of tractor parts, troubleshooting of farm machinery, and tractor driving and safety.





Advisor: DeBernardi

Analysis of a 60-inch soil profile and recommendations for land use are part of this contest.  A survey sheet is completed of the profile and surrounding area.




Chapter's Address:

Santa Maria High School

901 S. Broadway 

Santa Maria, CA 93454

Email Address:


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